My Blog
Teacher? Student?
Teacher? Student? Both? As your teacher, I am an example for you: being fit, strong, flexible, well nourished, with a calm and clear mind. Really? What if: I’m also allowed to feel not well. I’m allowed to feel miserable actually. I’m allowed to be...
"What if those symptoms want to heal you?" my teacher said.
Where do I belong?
Where do I belong to?Is it necessary to know? What if I feel already Home? Maybe I carry “this place” in me…So we can celebrate here & now 💫 💃 🍂 ☀️
Telč - Domov, přátelé, jin, hudba, láska, ... Každé léto, když přijedu do svého krásného rodného města Telče v České republice, připadám si jako v ráji. Miluji tato krásná setkání se starými přáteli a lidmi, kteří zde žijí, zvláště když se pak objeví na józe,...
Love letter to India
My beloved India, I feel I’ve said everything about/ to You. Thank you for 6 incredible years, for feeling welcome and home since the first minute, for all your teachings, your colours, tastes, fragrances, sounds and most importantly encounters- with your people and...