

       retreat for women 

Let us celebrate ourselves ~ our wisdom, our bodies, our souls, our beauty. 

Let us open up through yoga, soften through gentle practices, let the breath reveal what we need to look at, let the sound heal what needs to be healed, let us dance and shake off, what we don’t need anymore, let us touch our essence with love and compassion, let us be and share in our sisterhood. 

We are looking forward to You 

Jana & Petra 


April 12th-17th 2025, in The Tropical Habitat Bali 

🌺 Hatha yoga ~ yin yoga ~ sound healing ~ breathwork ~ meditation ~ yoga nidra ~ introduction in Hormon yoga ~ private yoga therapy consultation ~ massage ~ dancing ~ sharing ~ being ~ … 🌺

Please contact me for more information. 






Price: 745€

In price included:
🌺 the complete program – morning / afternoon/ evening group session + other activities
🌺 a private one on one yoga therapy session
🌺 accommodation in a brand new villa (double bed rooms)/ 5 nights/ using the private pool
🌺 rich breakfast/ brunch ~ afternoon’s snack ~ home made, delicious, Balinese, healthy dinner + coffee, tea, juices
🌺 private drivers with car during the retreat
🌺 1 traditional Balinese massage
🌺 1 snorkeling trip with private boat ~ 4 hours
🌺 1 sunrise hike
🌺 free wifi
🌺 welcome Surprise for Her 💫

Not in price included:
– Flight
– Transfer from the airport (can be arranged, the price depends on the amount of people sharing the car: from 12€-40€)

Please contact me for more information. 






She in Bali will probably not make any progress, will not have any challenge, goal and results, will not gain knowledge or loose weight…


But She might loose the illusion that she needs to improve in any way, that She is less than…

She will learn to listen to Herself, her body and soul, she will move gently, stretch and sigh, she will connect with her breath and heart, she will feel herself again. She will dance under the starry night sky and listen to the silence inside. She will feel finally that there is nothing to be improved only to be seen and held. 🌹






Dear Woman,

if you are interested and need more information or register, please contact me either via email: yoga@petraschuessler.com 

or instagram @petraschuessler_yoga.

Looking forard to hearing from You.







Past Events


In this one hour session you will learn how to connect to your breath and how it can support you in managing your pelvic floor health and through some simple techniques you will understand how to strengthen your pelvic floor to prevent prolapse, leaking and unmanageable urges.
You will also get a handout for practicing on your own.

🌹 online, Sunday, November 24th, 3 pm in Shanghai, 12.30 pm in India, 8am in Europe
🌹11 €

🌹 Please connect with me to get the link for the online session.





Yin jóga & Sound Healing 


Chtěl(a) by ses uvolnit, protáhnout, spojit se sám(a) se sebou? A třeba i pustit kontrolu a v přítomném okamžiku se  zaposlouchat sám(a) do sebe  a nechat léčivé tóny tibetských mís proniknout celou tvojí bytostí? 

Potom jsi velmi vítán(a) na naši relaxační, meditativní hodině 

Yin jógy a zvukové lázně 🪷

🪷V neděli, 4. srpna 2024, 18- ca. 19.15 hod

🪷 V knihovně Univerzitního centra v Telči. 

Žádné předchozí dovednosti nebo znalosti jógy nejsou potřeba, stačí jen podložka a něco na přikrytí. 

Moc se na tebe těším 🫶🏻 🧘‍♀️ 





Sound meditation

Let’s our Breath unlock the door to our inner world, allowing the Sound come in … 🩶

You are very welcome to join us on our sound journey using Tibetan singing bowls, diverse music instruments and our voices to reach the place within us that is calm, peaceful and filled with love. 

We will breathe, relax, listen and meditate.

On Saturday, February 24th, 7.30pm – 9pm / 25 € / in English

We are looking forward to meeting you there.

Petra & Andreas

more about Sound healing: https://petraschuessler.com/sound-healing/





Dive in

Hast du den Mut, ein bisschen tiefer in Dich hineinzuschauen und sehen, was da so alles ist? Was da gesehen, akzeptiert oder sogar geliebt werden möchte?

Dann bist du herzlichst zu unserem Workshop 

„DIVE IN“ eingeladen.

Durch verschiede Methoden, Bewegung, Atmen und Sounds versuchen wir tief unter die Oberfläche zu gelangen um uns da zu begegnen.

Am Samstag, den 10. Februar

14- ca. 18 Uhr 

Im Santosa Yoga, Tegernseer Landstr. 98, München 

77 € 

Anmeldung unter: https://www.ameliediana.de/workshops 

Wir freuen uns auf dich 🩵💙

Amelie & Petra 



Sound bath & meditation


A Sound bath works like a balsam for your body & soul. Just lie down, close your eyes and let the vibrations of the sound enter every corner of your being and do its magic … 🧡

Using the Tibetan singing bowls, other instruments and my voice, I will bring you in a deep metitative state, where you can touch your stillness, peace and clarity. In this state it will be easy for you to dwell in a meditation in the end.

More about sound sessions: https://petraschuessler.com/sound-healing/

Thank you for your interest on Sound Bath Session on January 28th. This one is already sold out, but there will be  other sessions that you could attend. All you have to do is subscribe to our newsletter above to be informed of all our upcoming events.  We’re planing an event on the       24 of February, so subscribe so you don’t miss out🧡


January 5th, 2024

Meditation for the New Year ✨

Let the intentions & resolutions for the new year come from within, from a place of clarity and stillness. Let us enter this place together in a short meditation (25 min):

on Friday, January 5th, 8am CET / 12.30pm IST
On Zoom
Looking forward to meet you there ✨✨💛

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 4585 9692
Passcode: Uf58Ax



Dezember 30th, 2023


Gibt es etwas in Deinem Leben, was Du auf keinen Fall mit in 2024 nehmen möchtest? Gibt es Gefühle oder Lebensumstände, die im alten Jahr bleiben dürfen?

Dann bist du herzlich zu unserem Workshop “RELEASE” eingeladen:

am 30. Dezember 2023, 14-18 Uhr

im Santosa Yoga Studio in München.

Wir machen zusammen: Dance & Shake, Pyramid Breath Ritual, Yin Yoga, Sound Bath, Meditation, Release Ritual.

Wir freuen uns auf Dich! 

Amelie & Petra 💫 ✨ 💛


(pictures: @amelie_diana, @18suns – Sebastian Wagner)





Dezember 22nd, 2023

Christmas meditation

One more PAUSE before Christmas 🎄 

I am inviting you to consider not to use meditation as an escape for a couple of minutes from your busy life, but rather bring the meditative state of your mind to all its aspects.

Let’s find the time and way to access the Peace and Stillness within. 

Friday, December 22nd

8-8.20 ish am CET (12.30pm IST)


Looking forward to meet you there 💛✨💫

Zoom link: 


Meeting ID: 836 6882 1722

Passcode: Y5TLyn



Dezember 1st 2023

Peaceful Friday 🤍

What if I choose a Peaceful Friday instead of the Black one?

And try to find the place in me, which is already content and dwell there for a little while?

You are very welcome to join us for an online guided meditation after a short preparing breathwork.
We start early in the morning to have a joyful and peaceful start in the day and month.

Next Friday, December 1st, 6.30am CEST / 11am IST (ca. 20 min).

Looking forward to you 🕊️🤍

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 839 5846 0923
Passcode: tFwMD1


November 17th 2023

Meditation for Peace

Let’s find the peace in ourselves first to
spread it around 🤍

You are very welcome to join us for a
guided Meditation for Peace 🕊️

Online, 20 minutes, in English

Friday, November 17th, 8am CEST/ 12.30pm IST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 8519 5813
Passcode: 3k1Vnx



18.-20.10. 2023

Cesta k sobě

Co kdybych našla v sobě odvahu být tím, kdo opravu jsem? Vyjadřovala sama sebe tím, jak myslím, cítím, mluvím, jak se starám sama o sebe, stravuji, oblékám? 

Relaxační a meditační techniky, jemný pohyb a dýchání  nám pomohou ponořit se do sebe, spojit se se sebou, uvolnit tělo a zklidnit mysl, přijmout sebe sama a tím se otevřít nové, láskyplné a tvořící energii.

Metoda Octocodes nám pomůže rozpoznat naše talenty, ukáže, jak žít svůj potenciál. Díky  porozumění a respektu k sobě samým se prohloubí i porozumění k našemu okolí. Také  se naučíme na oblečení nahlížet z úplně jiné perspektivy, než na kterou jsme zvyklé.

Meditace, jin jóga, jóga nidra, sound healing, techniky k otevření a vyrovnání energetických center v těle, jemná hatha  jóga, dýchání, přednášky a sezení k určení svého typu dle metody Octocodes Táni Havlíčkové… a mnohem více.

18.-20. října 2023 (od středy odpoledne do pátečního dopoledne) na samotě, v nádherném prostředí Kotrčova mlýna  u Malého Jeníkova. 

Bylo to moc milé setkání, všem moc děkujeme za tuto krásnou ženskou energii.

Soňa & Petra & Viki 



Summer 2023

Telč – Home, friends, yin, sound, love, … /

Every summer, when I come to my beautiful hometown Telč in Czech Republic, I feel like in paradise.

I love these beautiful encounters with old friends and people living here, especially when they then appear at the yoga mat and just trust me, listen, breathe, smile, cry, …and come again. No need to talk much, just listening to their breath and sighs, continuing where we finished last time…. see you next summer again 💟


May 26th-28th 2023

Retreat: True Nature / at the Mango Farm

When women come together, magic happens! Such a wonderful time we had with yoga, art, dancing, talks, amazing food, walks in the nature, sitting around the bonfire in the evening… and much more. Three days were enough for coming back home to ourselves –  relaxed, fresh, with a smile on our faces, well nourished with the feminine, supportive energy of the women’s circle. 

Thank you Nishi for putting this together with me. 

March 1st-5th 2023

Women’s Day

Such a wonderful, supporting energy when women come together! Thank you Kiran Reynolds for organizing this lovely event for women and for inviting me to give there a meditation session.

March 1st-5th 2023

The Journey Inward


The Journey – in and outwards … continuous and beautiful…

What a wonderful time we had in our Yoga Retreat in Anjanagiri, the paradise on earth.

Thank you lovely yoginis for joining us and just being amazing – ready, open, easygoing and cheerful all the time.

Thank you Yashwanth (Pratyaksha Yoga) for being a great yoga partner.

Thank you Srini (Anjanagiri Tea Estate) for your loving care for us and making us feeling home.

November 8th-12th 2022

Yoga Retreat in Darjeeling


A wonderful Yoga retreat with wonderful people.

Lots of yoga, hiking, mountain biking, being together… in the wonderful surroundings of Darjeeling.

Thank you Sonia for organizing this and doing it with me. Thank you Abishek for being an amazing guide.