Yoga Therapy

one on one sessions:

For your specific needs, you will get at least 5 practices for the period of at least 5 weeks which will change according to your progression.

The SESSIONS are in person or online and take from 10 min upto 1 hour, according to your possibilities.

You will learn how to move, breathe, meditate and relax and listen to yourself and observe changes not only on the yoga mat.

What kind of conditions do we address:

🟣 body flexibility

🟣 strengthening the muscles of your body – arms, legs, back, core, …

🟣 body pain such as the lower back, ehole back, hips, ankle, neck, headaches, …

🟣 women’s health issues, PMS, menopause, difficulties getting pregnant, …

🟣 digestive issues, weight loss, weight gain, bloating, constipation, …

🟣 high blood pressure, low blood pressure

🟣 hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hashimoto disease

🟣 depression, anxiety, stress, burnout, inertia, … and much more


Let us meet for the first consultation.


“The success of Yoga must not be measured by how flexible your body becomes, but rather how much it opens your heart.”
T.K.V. Desikachar

You are responsible for your health, nobody else. A yoga therapist can help to bring you on the path for healing, but you have to go it by yourself. You can start NOW 💜


“I am not what happened to me,

I am what I choose to become.”

Carl Jung

“Healing” 🌸


What does it mean?
And who does define it?
Only you know, what your healing is.
Only I know mine.
Is it a destination in a far future?
Or rather my attitude NOW?
Please don’t call me a healer.
I may just be your guide
On your path
Holding your hand if you need
Shedding some light in the direction
Which might suit you
And YOU decide
Where your healing lies
When you touch your Peace 🤍